Last Sunday's three miler was my first run in the rain. Coupled with temperate temperatures, the rain added an element of whimsy and fun to my long run. Watch out, world. I've just uncovered a socially acceptable way to play in the rain as an adult.
On a more serious note, I got lucky. The sun set around the two mile mark, and despite the wet and my clumsiness, I didn't fall or twist a joint or run into any long-hanging branches. My steps were sure, and I was still comfortable afterwards. Adam and I had started our respective runs at the same time, and I finished shortly after he did.
I also ran the last mile too fast. The rain made me feel unstoppable and a little giddy, so I went a little faster. It also reminded me that I don't suck at running and that even longer runs can be pleasant. After two weeks of plodding through fairly uncomfortable bouts with exercise, it was really refreshing to feel comfortable and confident in my physical abilities.
As a result, I've had a pretty good week for running so far, but I want to stay positive. I'm also going to start gradually adding in weight training again to make sure that my entire body gets stronger, not just my legs. If it follows the pattern it has in the past, it should also help relax my shoulders and upper back -- areas where I carry most of my stress.
For the first time in a while, I'm excited and actively planning to exercise. My calendar is filling up with reminders to exercise and the distance or workout that I need to complete. It's also starting to feel like more of a reward for doing good work with writing and bartending rather than an obligation, and for that, I couldn't be happier.
Today's title is a play on "Singing in the Rain." Since I often sing and dance along to my music while I run, I thought it was only appropriate.