Y'all, I have a confession: I wrote a book! In seven weeks! It still seem surreal that I was able to write and compile the 50,000 words of Craft & Classic Cocktail Recipe Book in that time. To answer your next few questions, it will be published in December by Rockridge Press, they found me through Google, it'll be available for purchase this December, and it was one of the biggest challenges of my life thus far.
Despite the impressiveness of this feat, I've never made it through a blogging exercise like Blog Like Crazy. At some point, I want to do NaNoWriMo, but after the past two months, I'm good. After having (and meeting!) a grueling daily word count for weeks on end, I know I'm physically capable of writing a post every day.
So, starting November 1, I'm going to try to get back behind the stick, blogging-wise, and get some momentum going.
Here goes nothing. See y'all next week for a third attempt to Blog Like Crazy.